MidSouthCon 2011 Plans

With Seattle behind me, I’m planning for MidSouthCon at the end of the month now.
I’ve been steady working on my new costume for it – I feel like I’m right on track to get it done in time. I’m pretty excited about it. Chase is doing quite a bit of it for me, and I’m excited to see the pieces he’s making.

So since the MSC folks were nice enough to include me as a guest this year, I’m going to try to make good use of our hotel room and cram in as many costumes as I can over the weekend. In the end it will all come down to what fits in my car – it comes down to what I can fit in my car, really. And I can fit a LOT in the bug. LOL. I have a list of things I want to try to take – I do want to try to bring Arwen, because I finally got a new wig I can wear with it. Though I dont think I have ears right now.

Anyway, after MSC, we have nothing til Dragoncon. I’m going to be a little sewing machine – I have 8 costumes I want to make between April and Dcon – I’m going to try to stick to a schedule and get everything done early. Yay.